Our Mission: Based in Cheverly, Maryland, our mission is to promote economic fairness, social justice, basic human rights, a sustainable environment, a tolerant society and world peace through a more informed political dialogue and active participation in civil society and the democratic political process.
► Progressive Cheverly's November Meeting Please join us on Thursday, November 6, 7:00 pm at the Hoyer School Cafeteria, 2300 Belleview Avenue, Cheverly, when Progressive Cheverly commemorates the 150th anniversary of emancipation in Maryland. The State of Maryland abolished slavery on November 1, 1864, by amendment to the State constitution, the only state to do so by popular vote in the Civil War era. Our speakers will be the Reverend Jerome Fowler, who will talk about slavery and its aftermath through the personal story of his great-great-grandfather, Adam Francis Plummer, an educated slave at the Calvert family's Riversdale Plantation in Riverdale; and Bob Ross, President, Prince George's County NAACP, who will update us on the continuing struggle for civil rights, locally and nationally. As always refreshments will be served, followed by a business meeting, at which we will elect officers for the coming year. Everyone is welcome.
Progressive Cheverly's
Letter to County Council earlier this October, Progressive
Cheverly sent a letter to Prince George's Councilmember Andrea Harrison
stating the organization's opposition to her proposed legislation,
CB-73-2014, concerning outdoor advertising signs. The text of the
letter can be
found here. ► Progressive Cheverly's Recent Letters: Progressive Cheverly recently provided testimony and statements on the following topics during this legislative session: Testimony in support of SB 281 - Firearm Safety Act, Hearing Statement, SB 1071 School Governance and Testimony to Public Hearing on Medical Center Relocation ► News: Gwendolyn T. Britt Award in 2010, members of Progressive Cheverly voted to institute the Gwendolyn T. Britt Award as a means to foster and support an individual or group working to advance the goals and principles outlined in Progressive Cheverly's mission statement. For more information about the Britt Awards, please click here. ► Membership Survey Results: At the end of 2009, Progressive Cheverly conducted a poll of its members to determine the organization's priorities as we moved into the new year. Click here for membership survey results.► Recent Policy Positions: Representing the voice of our membership, Progressive Cheverly has sent letters to our elected officials and delivered testimony before the General Assembly on a variety of policy issues. Click here to see our current correspondence.► 2008 Membership Retreat In June, Progressive Cheverly held a membership retreat to lay the groundwork for the organization's near-term and long-term goals. Click here to read a report of this program. ► Progressive Cheverly's Activities for Prince George's Hospital► Voter Registration: Progressive Cheverly's goal is to register every eligible Cheverly citizen to vote. If you're new to the town, or have a change of address, contact one of the officers of Progressive Cheverly who can provide you with the proper forms. Or you can click the link below to register to vote: ► See our Calendar of Events for more upcoming events. ► See our current Progressive Cheverly Bulletin for other activities of interest to progressives. ► To become a member of Progressive Cheverly, click here. ► Join the Progressive Cheverly's Facebook page. ► Join the Progressive Cheverly's Kiva micro-finance team. Announcements List: Type in your e-mail address and click the blue Join Now button: Contact Information: For more information about Progressive Cheverly, contact:
© 2009-2013 Progressive Cheverly Progressive Cheverly is an independent citizens’ organization with no affiliation to the government of the Town of Cheverly.Last modified: 05/18/13 |